Permanent Remote Work Agreement Template


    As the world navigates the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of remote work has become a new normal for many companies. As a result, permanent remote work agreements have gained significant traction. However, to ensure that remote work is successful, companies need to have a permanent remote work agreement template in place. This agreement will help clarify the terms and conditions of remote work for both employees and employers.

    What is a Permanent Remote Work Agreement Template?

    A permanent remote work agreement template is a formal document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations related to remote work for both the employer and employee. It details the terms and conditions of remote work and is signed by both parties to ensure mutual understanding.

    Why Use a Permanent Remote Work Agreement Template?

    A permanent remote work agreement template is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps set expectations for both employees and employers regarding remote work. Remote work requires discipline and self-motivation, so it’s important that both parties are clear on the guidelines and expectations. Secondly, it helps protect both parties by establishing clear boundaries and outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party. Finally, having an agreement in place ensures that remote workers are treated fairly and consistently with other employees.

    What Should a Permanent Remote Work Agreement Template Include?

    When creating a permanent remote work agreement template, here are some things to consider including:

    1. Work schedule: Will remote employees work regular business hours or have flexibility?

    2. Communication guidelines: How will remote workers communicate with their colleagues and manager? Will they be expected to respond promptly to email and phone calls?

    3. Cybersecurity policies: Will remote workers be required to use a VPN? What measures will be taken to ensure the security of company data?

    4. Equipment and technology: Will the company provide equipment such as laptops, phones or reimburse remote workers for their personal use?

    5. Performance expectations: How will the performance of remote workers be measured? What will be the criteria for their success?

    6. Termination of the agreement: What would be the circumstances under which the remote working agreement may be terminated?

    7. Confidentiality: What kind of confidential information will remote workers have access to? What measures will be taken to ensure the confidentiality of this information?


    A permanent remote work agreement template is essential for any company that wants to successfully implement remote work. It’s important to ensure that the template includes all necessary details to avoid miscommunications or misunderstandings. Remote work can be successful when both employees and employers clearly understand their rights and responsibilities, and this can be achieved through a well-crafted permanent remote work agreement.