Power Purchase Agreement Israel


    Power Purchase Agreement: A Game-Changer for Renewable Energy in Israel

    Israel has been actively pursuing renewable energy solutions to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. With the National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Plan in place, Israel has set a target of generating 10% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, and 17% by 2030. One of the key instruments to achieve these targets is the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

    What is a Power Purchase Agreement?

    A Power Purchase Agreement is a contract between a renewable energy producer and an off-taker (usually a utility company or a large energy consumer) for the sale of electricity. The PPA sets out the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price to be paid for the electricity and the duration of the contract.

    Why are PPAs important for renewable energy?

    PPAs provide a stable and predictable revenue stream for renewable energy projects, which are typically capital intensive and require long-term financing. The off-taker commits to purchasing the electricity for a fixed period of time, typically 15-20 years, at an agreed price. This reduces the risk associated with fluctuating electricity prices and provides certainty to investors, making renewable energy projects more attractive.

    PPAs also help to address the intermittency of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. By entering into a PPA, the off-taker agrees to purchase all of the electricity produced by the renewable energy project, regardless of whether it is needed at that particular moment. This provides a guaranteed market for the electricity, which can be sold back to the grid when demand is high.

    How are PPAs being used in Israel?

    In Israel, the government has been actively promoting the use of PPAs for renewable energy projects. The Electricity Law Amendment (Renewable Energy) 2018 introduced new regulations for renewable energy producers and off-takers to enter into PPAs for up to 25 years. The regulations also allow for the transfer of electricity between renewable energy projects, creating opportunities for smaller producers to sell their electricity to larger off-takers.

    PPAs have already been signed for several large-scale solar and wind projects in Israel, including the 121 MW Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) solar project in the Negev and the 60 MW Alon Tavor wind farm in the Lower Galilee. These projects are expected to contribute significantly to Israel`s renewable energy targets.

    What are the challenges for PPAs in Israel?

    Despite the benefits of PPAs, there are still some challenges to their implementation in Israel. One of the main challenges is the regulatory framework, which is still evolving and can be complex. The Electricity Authority of Israel (EAI) has recently issued new guidelines for the approval of PPAs, which have been criticized as being too restrictive.

    Another challenge is the availability of land for renewable energy projects. Israel is a small country with limited open space, and there is often competition for land between different stakeholders. This can make it difficult for renewable energy producers to find suitable locations for their projects.


    PPAs have the potential to be a game-changer for renewable energy in Israel, providing a stable and predictable revenue stream for renewable energy projects and helping to meet the country`s renewable energy targets. While there are still some challenges to their implementation, the government`s commitment to renewable energy and the growing awareness of the benefits of PPAs suggest a bright future for renewable energy in Israel.